May 7, 2020


Dear Special Friends,

WOW, how the world has changed in the last month!

With the COVID-19 passing through Europe and the USA and so many nations, we have seen such massive changes in everyone’s everyday life, work, and even the church.   

But as we heard one Pastor say;, “This should be the church’s finest hour.” In so many places it is so awe inspiring to see and hear the impact that Christians and local churches are making in their communities.

You may not hear much about these stories on the NEWS or in the Media, but it is happening. Sometimes through the online streaming of services or through Food Banks and a thousand other ways. So many amazing stories. So many lives touched.

We here in Hungary are also impacted by this but at the same time we try to continue to do what we feel God has called us to over here as missionaries.

Hungary also has social distancing, but most businesses are open or are opening and most people, including us wear masks as we go out in public.

The borders to most of the countries are opening.

It’s the same throughout all of Eastern Europe where we are in contact with so many of our friends from Poland to the north to Bulgaria and Albania to the very south.

It’s amazing to see the response of so many churches, adapting so quickly to online services.

We also attend church online over here.. But we so look forward to being able to be back in churches in person to be able to worship with so many of our friends.

Still working  all over Eastern Europe.

During these times when many people feel so unsettled and stressed, we are continuing to work with so many here in the countries of Eastern Europe to show them that the answer in the times of crisis is to turn to God.

This year we will see many new churches started in these nations. Thank you for helping us do this.

IN the Midst of all this there is an “air of expectancy” in the people. Expecting great things from God.

How Our Family is Impacted by Covid-19

Three of our four children live in America and this has impacted all three of their lives too.

Our youngest daughter, Audrianna lost her job and our son, Nathan who has his own business has had just about all work stopped for the next few months. Our son, Ryan who lives in Nashville and works for the Dave Ramsey Financial Organization is now working from home.

Sometimes it’s a challenge being so far from them during these times. But we are thankful to see how God is providing and will provide for them during these times.

They will come out stronger when this is all passed we are sure.

What We Are Watching during the “Stay at Home”,

Like millions around the world and here in Hungary, with the “Stay at Home” orders, during these days we have have been doing more reading, walking, running, and watching some TV too.

Brenda is not a big TV watcher and usually only watches it when I have it on.

Here is some of the things we are watching.

  • The Last Alaskans
  • PBS Baseball Series
  • Lark Rise to Candleford
  • HGTV
  • The Masters Golf – (reruns)
  • Jane Eyre
  • Black and White Movies
  • The Andy Griffith Show

We still believe that 2020 will be an amazing year.

In Awe of His Faithfulness,

Jim and Brenda