April 26, 2022


Dear Friends,

This year 2022, is not at all like we thought it would be for us.

We thought that with the pandemic issues mainly over in this part of the world we could get back to being focused on helping pastors and leaders to help start more churches in the so many cities and towns that still don’t a church that shares the gospel.

But then the war in Ukraine started on February 24. Since that time we have worked with pastors in Poland and Bulgaria and here in Hungary to coordinate AID to some of the the millions of refugees that have fled Ukraine. We are doing just a small part.

We feel like it’s so important for us to be here at this time.

In the midst of this, we hope to still see at least 10 churches started this year.

Special Family Updates;   Brenda’s Mom is Now in Heaven

From Brenda.   “On Thursday April 14 My Sweet, Beautiful Mama went to be with Jesus! We are missing her so much! But we are praising God that she is with Him”!

I flew to Florida (Brenda) on Wednesday April 13 and my Mom passed the next morning.

I was so thankful I was there with my family and we shared so many special memories of her. It was a really precious time.

God is so good! Just a few days before my Mom went to be with Jesus, He sent us our new grand-son, Miles Atlas, who was born to Nathan and Lori in Orlando on April 7.

My time with our newest grand-baby was such a gift from God. It was so wonderful to see his little toes and tiny fingers.

Seeing our son Nathan and Lori and our grand-daughter Lenora, was so so sweet. We now have four grand-kids. It is so nice being a grandmother.

So in the midst of losing my mother it was such a gift to see this new little life coming into our family.

We are more excited than ever about what God has called us to do in this part of the world. Thank you for helping us do it.

In Awe of His Faithfulness,

Jim and Brenda