April 26, 2023


Hello Friends,

Sometimes change is good for us. But sometimes it’s a bit challenging.

That is the way it is for us sometimes too. Having served in Eastern Europe for over 28 years has been an amazing adventure at times and has involved constant change.

We had change when we moved to Central America in 1982, change when we move

d to Moscow with our two children in 1992 and more change when we moved with our four children to Budapest in 1997.

Now we are yet again experiencing a very different kind of change since relocating to the US earlier this year.

We LOVE now living in America. Sometimes we wonder if people realize how blessed this country is in so many ways.

We are sure you have experienced many changes in your life too. It’s an adjustment that we all face and it’s part of “life.”

Brenda has a bit more of a challenge as she doesn’t get to go back to Eastern Europe as much as I, Jim do. She misses her friends and just the life we have known there for so many years.

But like we said earlier, we LOVE living in America after so many years away!

There are so many great changes too. We do love the change of seeing our kids and grand-kids so much more. Especially a couple of weeks ago going to Orlando to celebrate our youngest grandson’s “one year birthday” (see photo) with our oldest son, Nathan and his family. And Brenda got to go to Nashville to be with our other son, Ryan and his family and play with our two grandsons there.

Our oldest daughter Alexandra, has loved being around family too. She was so happy to have many of her family singing to her on her Birthday on April 13. Our youngest daughter, Audrianna and her husband live about 50 minutes from us so we get to spend more time with them too!

So those changes are so nice and we cherish everyone of those moments.

In the coming weeks I, Jim will once again be in Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary and Albania. We keep going forward with the ministry with so many world changers that we work alongside there.

Thank you for helping us continue to reach that part of the world with the Gospel.

Impacting Poland

We never tire of working with key pastors in all the countries of Eastern Europe. It continues to amaze us how God puts us together with so many key Pastors that are working to start more churches in cities and towns that still have few if any churches in them.

This month once again a Pastor contacted me from Poland. He was referred to us by my good Polish Pastor friend Arek, with whom we have helped start several churches in southern Poland. All of these new churches are started through relationships that God has given us here in Eastern Europe.

He, like so many we work with, is already pastoring a church in southern Poland, but wants to start another church in a city near him. This city has a group of people from his church that travel 25 miles to his church, but want a church in their own city.

So we are partnering with him, with $4,000 in seed money to help the new pastor get this church off the ground.

This is typical of how we connect with Pastors and leaders in Eastern Europe. They have applications and several forms to fill out to apply for the funds.

Not only in Poland will we see another church started but also in Macedonia and other countries. Thank you for helping us do this.

In May I will be in Poland again, one of my favorite countries we work in. I fell in love with it back in 1995 on my first visit there to Warsaw and Krakow.

In Awe of His Faithfulness

Brenda and Jim