April – May Update From Budapest


Hello Special Friends,

Blessings from Budapest once again.

Sometimes i wish you could be with me here as we minister and talk to some of the amazing leaders we work with. If you were with me you would hear story after story of how people’s lives are being transformed through some of these local churches we have been privileged to help start.

Last week I was in once again in Bulgaria. While I was there I shot the video below. We think you will enjoy hearing what is going on in that country. I got to hear amazing stories from a Bulgarian Pastor, whose name is Grozdan and his wife Slavica. We helped them start a church in 20 in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.

They shared with me the impact their church is making on the neighborhood where the church is. One of the programs that they have is a special needs school for children with Autism. They shared how not only the children are seeing great results but how the parents are in awe that this church would provide this special school.

This is just one sample of stories that we hear on almost a weekly basis of how these churches are changing individuals lives. We are humbled that we get to be a a part of it.

This year we once again have the opportunity to help start TWO more churches in Bulgaria.

Even now I am in contact with these leaders there and they are ready to start these churches in the coming months. Can you help us do this? We invest $4,000 in each of these churches.

It always amazes us after all these years of doing this, that we get to be a part of seeing so many lives impacted by these new churches.

We Miss Seeing Our Grand-kids Grow Up . . . But . . .

As you can imagine living so far away from our kids and grand-kids can sometimes make us feel a little sad. But our kids in the USA are so good about sending us photos and talking with us on FACETIME.

Just about every week we talk to them and now they are getting old enough to talk to us. We use todays technology in every way we can to talk to them. But its still not the same as being there.

This summer we will be in America for several weeks again and we will for sure get to spend lots of time with them...

This was “Grandma Brenda” with our Grandson, Micah in Nashville.