August 1 2015


Dear Friends,

We remember well that day in the Summer of 1997 when we boarded that plane, leaving Florida with our whole family, to Budapest, Hungary.  We were all so excited and a little nervous at the same time.

Just I, (Jim) had been there before and here we were taking our four children to a place they knew little or nothing about.  Our teenage son Nathan, who was thirteen at the time was going reluctantly, our son Ryan (10 at the time) was excited and our girls were just in strollers.

Just a few years before Hungary and all of Eastern Europe had been freed of Communism and the people of this part of the world were so Hungary for the things of God. Something multitudes were persecuted for if they went to a church, for almost 60 years.

We remember people asking us before we left how long we would be in Hungary.  We would always respond that we thought it would maybe be one to three years.  Now as we start our 19th year of serving in Budapest we think of the scripture in Proverbs that says “Man makes his plans but GOD guides our steps.”

All of our kids ended up loving living in Budapest and as three of the four of them are now living in America they all talk about growing up with such fondness and great memories.

The impact that God has let us make on so many nations in Eastern Europe is so much greater than we could have even imagined when we first moved there.  Working with so many key leaders in so many countries we have helped them start over 250 churches.

Visiting these churches throughout the years, seeing them first get started to  many of them thriving so many years later.  So many lives in small villages to large capital cities, these churches represent so many lives and stories. In talking to them the stories can be right out of the New Testament the way Jesus changed their lives and families.

So as we start our nineteenth year, we don’t feel like we should make any change in what we feel God has called us to do in Hungary and Eastern Europe.  We are still so excited, just as we were in 1997 when we first moved here.

Being in America this summer has been wonderful as we get to spend so much time with our kids and families.  We always so enjoy our time in America.  We are so careful not to get ‘wore out” visiting people and churches, but we take  time to refresh ourselves.

I am sure this is one of the reasons we still love serving as missionaries after 33 years now.


Warm Smiles and Hugs from Us,


Jim and Brenda

PS.  Because of you and how you support us we are here as missionaries for so many years. We always have special needs and anything you can do to help with a special offering this month would mean so much to us. Prayerfully consider doing something very special this month.

PSS. Our youngest daughter, Audrianna will check in to Palm Beach Atlantic University August 20! We are so excited for her and for all God is doing her and through her life.  We appreciate your prayers for her and for her parents (us).