August 1, 2021


Dear Special Friends,

We are in the midst of an amazing summer here in America.   In just a couple of weeks we will be back in Hungary and Eastern Europe to start our 25th year there.

After being away almost two years from America we have been able to “almost” make up for it by seeing our kids/grandkids and family and friends all summer.

We are so enjoying our time in the USA.  We believe America’s Greatest Days are still ahead of her.  We get to be a apart of them.

But this summer we are  relaxing and resting and so enjoying ourselves.  In July we took a long vacation our WEST.  We started out in Denver and got a car and traveled to Wyoming, South Dakota, Mount Rushmore, Montana, Idaho, Washington and ended the trip in Tillamook, Oregon along the Pacific Coast.  Along the way we saw family and friends and hiked so much.

At the end of the vacation we were so RELAXED AND REFRESHED.   Having lived overseas for almost all of the last 4o years it was wonderful to see America from the “car windows.”  America is soooo beautiful.

We are also so looking forward to getting back “home” to Eastern Europe and continuing what God has for us there.  We will continue to help key pastors and leaders in all these countries to help start new churches.

Thank you for helping us do what we do. Please know we well know we couldn’t do what we do without your generous support.

Jim and Brenda