Dear Special Friends,
Blessings from Budapest, Hungary. We want to be one of many that wish you and all your family a Special Merry Christmas in 2018.
2018 has been another amazing year for us here in Hungary. So much has happened, so many lives have changed, so much yet to do. We feel so privileged to be a part of what God is doing in this part of the world.
This will be our 22nd Christmas that we have celebrated here in Budapest. This year our two daughters Alexandra (24) and Audrianna (22) will be with us. Our boys and their families will be in Nashville.
So after 22 years you can imagine that this is “home” for us. To our kids it’s also the Christmas they have grown up with. We will enjoy it so much. Celebrating, eating, enjoying Budapest, and probably watching some Hallmark Movies.
Jim and Brenda