How Much Longer Do You Plan on Living in Hungary?

How much longer do you”have” to live in Hungary? This is a question we often get when talking to people in America.
To us it’s kind of an awkward question as we don’t feel we “have” to live here. We “get” to live here.
In reality we absolutely love living here. Sometimes even we are so surprised how much we love it. We are sure it’s the grace of God and the calling we have to serve in Eastern Europe.
So the answer often is “we don’t know how long we will live in Budapest.” When we first came here in 1997 we thought we would live here one to three years and now we are in our fourteenth year and have no plans of leaving.
One of the great things about living here is all of our children have loved it too. They always have felt that this is home, not just a place we are going to live for a while. That makes it so nice.
One of the things that we have learned throughout the years wherever we have lived is, to “love wherever we live”.
Some of the places we have lived were a challenge, like when we lived on the edge of the jungle in Costa Rica or on the 22nd floor in a one bedroom apartment in Moscow with our two boys.
We also know that people are praying for us and because we have such strong prayer covering it makes things much easier.
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Jim and Brenda Puhr | Pf. 89 Budapest, 1780 Hungary | Tel. 011-36-30-984-1990 | Christian Missions International PO Box 51531 | Jacksonville | FL | 32240

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