March 2021


Dear Special Friends,

A Few days ago we were in Croatia and we were amazed once again at the opportunities we saw there. Croatia is just to the south of Hungary and about 4 hours drive from our house to the Capital, Zagreb.    We met some amazing people there and look to make an impact upon this nation this year.

We are so excited about 2021 and all that it will bring.  We are expecting big things and this year once again we will look to see new churches started here in Eastern Europe.

It was was back in January 1982 that we first left the USA to serve as missionaries and now this year we are entering our 39th year, serving as overseas missionaries.  And WE STILL LOVE IT!  See photos below.

Like most people in the world last year didn’t exactly turn out the way we planned. So many things were different.  For us it was not being able to travel throughout the countries of. Eastern Europe like we had been doing for the last 23 years.

Now things are slowly getting back to normal and hopefully by summer borders will be back open.

But in the mean time we go forward with what we fell God has called us to do.

So our plans for this year are to see SEVEN new churches started.  So many have been in the planning stages for over year now. We are ready to go with them.  We are in regular contact with leaders in Albania, Poland, Slovakia and Bulgaria.

Someone asked us recently from America, “how long we were going to stay in Hungary?”  We still feel like this is where we are supposed to be and currently have no plans of leaving.  Its God’s Grace…

Thank you for helping us do all we do over here. We are well aware that we couldn’t do what we do with the support of so many in the USA that support us every month.

Excited about 2021

Jim and Brenda