February – March 2018

Dear Special Friends,
Brenda is very involved in the local church here in Budapest. She goes to both Hungarian and English “Life Groups” where she connects with people in the church.
So even though we are missionaries and work with churches throughout Eastern Europe, we attend local churches here in Budapest.
Even in our area of the city we live in she seems to know everyone. She has no hesitation to talk to anyone and after a few minutes they are friends.
Over a year ago she was walking with our daughter Alexandra in a park in Budapest. She saw an elderly lady on a bench by herself. Brenda began to talk with her and now they are good friends.
The lady turns out to have been a Auschwitz Concentration Camp Survivor. She is Jewish and Brenda visits her almost every week. She calls Brenda, “Az én Amerikai Barátom. – “My American Friend.”
Brenda is so honoured and blessed by her friendship.
Sometimes I wish you could be with us as we serve in this part of the world. Even yesterday I was in the country of Slovenia meeting with a key leader there. He told me over and over what a blessing our ministry was to helping reach his nation.
Slovenia, may be a small country, and probably most people couldn’t find it on a map, but the churches are making an impact there. Even last year we helped to start three churches Slovenia.
On Friday of this week I will be in Czech Republic and next week I will be in Serbia. We love doing what we do. Thank you for helping us reach this part of the world.
This year we want to help start two more churches in Slovenia, along with at least 10 others throughout Eastern Europe.
In next months e-letter we will show videos of some of the churches so you can see first hand the worship and faces of the individuals whose lives are being transformed.

You can also hear some of the testimonies in the video here.
Everything we do depends on working with these key pastors that we are helping to start these new churches. Without them our work wouldn’t be very effective.
But working with them we are helping to change cities and towns in this part of the world.
This year we will once again look to help start at least TWELVE churches in this part of the world. The pastor here in the photo is a Hungarian named Daniel. He is working with us to start churches in the Eastern part of Hungary near the Ukraine.
We would ask you to prayerfully consider giving this ministry a special gift in the coming weeks.
This has already started out to be another great year of ministry here in Hungary and in Eastern Europe. We are EXPECTING so much to happen and so many live to be changed. Thank you for helping to make it happen.
But….We have some special needs in the coming weeks. So anything that you can give would be so helpful.
How to Give to CMI and Jim and Brenda – Click Here