Dear Special CMI Friends,
We always so enjoy when we get to come back to America for a several weeks during the summer. We have been here a couple of weeks now and have loved seeing our families and friends, eating at our favorite restaurants and ministering at several churches.
When we look back on our 34 years as missionaries we now realize that these times back in the US for these weeks have been wonderful for our lives, family and ministry. We get so refreshed and we are always excited and ready to go back to Budapest.
But even during these times here in America, we are almost everyday in touch with many of the key leaders we work with in Poland, Macedonia and Albania.
We are so excited as they give reports of new churches that are being started this summer because of the giving you are doing.
As you look at the enclosed photo you will see a church that we helped to start back in 2001. Brenda was there ministering last December and got to minister at a couple of the churches we helped to start in that country that is 76% Muslim.
To us, even after seeing over 250 churches started in Eastern Europe since 1999, we are still amazed and humbled with each new church that is started and knowing that we have a part in seeing this happen.
We already have the funds to start twelve of the fifteen churches we want to start this year. We are always amazed what sowing just $4000.00 can do in this part of the world in seeing a new church get started.
Special Family Update . . . Getting to spend time with our kids while we are here is always the highlight of the summer. Ryan and Katie live in Nashville and work for the Dave Ramsey Financial Organisation and we will spend the Independence Day Weekend with them. Nathan and Lori live in Orlando so we are seeing them a lot this summer.
Audrianna has already gone to a great Leadership Conference with the University she will be attending. She will be going to Palm Beach Atlantic University with a full Tuition Scholarship. We are so happy for her. To us it’s a miracle.
Serving in Budapest, Hungary,
Jim and Brenda
PS. As you make your giving plans this year, we would ask you to prayerfully consider giving or increasing your giving to this ministry this year. Thank you so much.