July 2019


Hello Special Friends,

We are currently in the USA for a few weeks.  God Bless America. 

Having now served as missionaries for over 37 years our times to visit America are nicer and more appreciated than ever.

Seeing how Blessed this country is and the blessings for the people of the USA puts in in AWE.  Maybe sometimes people that live here take it for granted.

Anyway, we are loving being here. We are able to visit some churches that support us, eat lots of Mexican food, see so many friends and spend time with our kids and grandkids. It’s been so nice and relaxing and restful.

This month we will be in Colorado for a few days to celebrate my (Jim’s) Mom’s 90’th birthday with all seven of my brothers and sisters. That will be so wonderful.

In August we will be back in Budapest to begin our 23’rd year there.  We absolutely love doing what we get to do, help reach all of Eastern Europe with the Gospel. Thank you for helping us do what we do.

Even while we are here in the USA for these weeks, we are working with key leaders in all the countries of Eastern Europe to help them start new churches. This year we hope to see at least TWELVE churches started.  We have the finances for NINE of them them already and many of the churches have been started in such countries as Albania, Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia.

Enjoying the USA.

Jim and Brenda