Hello Special Friends,
These are exciting times we are living in. Some people would say, anxious times we are living in. But we so excited to be a part of what God is doing in these days…
We always stay excited as we are so focused on what God has called us to do in places like Albania, Bulgaria, Poland and Hungary. In a few weeks I will once again be in some of these countries sitting down with so many leaders and pastors that are passionate about seeing people in their countries come to Christ.
Then several weeks after that I will be in Poland. So exciting to get to do what we do. See more below about Impacting Albania.
Special Family/Personal News. . . We are having a wonderful summer!
Our youngest daughter, Audrianna, and her husband Barry, who now live in Colorado came to Florida to spend two weeks with us. Barry works from home so it was easy to be at our house and continue his job. We loved having Audri with us as she is pregnant with their first, due in September. Her Aunt Kimmie, (Brenda’s sister) gave a small baby shower for them which was so fun.
Plus we went to Colorado last weekend for my (Jim) family reunion. It was great to be with my large family (I am one of eight kids) plus my 94 year old Mom. Our kids and grandkids were all there too. Family is so so nice.
So we are doing wonderful and just as excited as ever in doing what we feel God has called us to do as missionaries.
Even though we have now been missionaries for over 42 years, (since 1982), we still absolutely love doing what we get to do.
Amazing things happening in Albania
We always stay excited as we are so focused on what God has called us to do in places like Albania, Bulgaria and Hungary.
In a few weeks I will once again be in some of these countries sitting down with so many leaders and pastors that are passionate about seeing people in their countries come to Christ.
I am so humbled sometimes when I meet with Pastors like Hervin and Sedika in Tirana, Albania (in photo above). They have started multiple churches, started a Bible School in Albania, where the population is 66% Muslim. They also have continual outreaches throughout the nation.
There are no “large” churches in Albania. A typical church there is about 60 people. It’s more important to have the presence of God in the church than to have a large crowd without the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The way we look at it is that there are churches making an impact upon the country and each of the towns they are located in. As each of these churches represents people that have been impacted by Christ in their lives and families.
We are thrilled that we get to be a part of expanding the kingdom in this Nation. Thank you for helping us do this.
We are continually in AWE of His Faithfulness,
Jim and Brenda