March 1 2017


A Note from Brenda


I love living in Hungary and love the Hungarian Culture.

Life, it seems is a little slower here and I love to go for walks with our daughter, Alexandra in parks here. Others are walking and talking with friends and feeding the birds, children are playing,

Teens playing basketball and soccer, and Moms pushing their babies in strollers. I often stop and tell the Moms how beautiful their babies are and then tell them about my two beautiful grand-babies that I miss so much. (This is my little Lenora, who lives in Orlando)

I love all the activity and if you stop and ask anyone a question they are almost always glad to help and many times they want to talk. (total strangers). I have been amazed lately at the opportunities to share the gospel at the local parks, in the Mall or even on a plane.  People all around us are hurting and need to know that Jesus lives and heals today, that HIs love is amazing and He lavishes it on all of us.

I came to Christ when I was a teenager. At Camp I met three college students that were filled with the joy of the Lord and I wanted that joy  I wanted to know Jesus like that!

Through the years I have gotten to know many people in our little town just outside of Budapest where we live. When I go to the store or to the Post Office I usually see someone I know. There are always many opportunities to share God’s Love, Kindness and Joy with these new friends.

We have so many wonderful friends throughout Eastern Europe. Below you can read a little about Angel and Daniela in Macedonia and Hervin and Sedika in Albania.

It is such an honor to be living here in  Budapest, Hungary, serving in Eastern Europe and work with the believers here to take the gospel to the people.

Thank you for all your support and what you do for us. Because you help us, we are able to help so many others in this part of the world.

Daily Life is So Different Here

Having lived here so long now, since 1997, sometimes we don’t realize how different  living here is from where we grew up in Florida and Colorado. Everything from driving, to shopping to paying bills, TV and just the routine of daily life. 

Although there are big grocery stores like in America, still most people shop at their local small stores like the meat market, fresh vegetable stands, and fresh bakery’s.

Most peoples’ homes and apartments are much smaller than in the US and if you saw their refrigerators you would think they were tiny. So it’s not uncommon to see people just popping in to the local store on the way home to get some groceries.  We do it too and it seems so normal now.