March 13 2022


Hello Special Friends,

It was just two weeks ago we sent our last update about what is happening here in Eastern Europe and the war in Ukraine and all the refugees.

Our hearts continue to break as we see not only the news on TV and online but also seeing the refugees in person as they arrive here in Hungary, fleeing the war in the neighboring country, Ukraine.

However you see it on the TV in the US, it’s much more intense over here as it’s right next to all these countries. Some people are nervous that the war will spread.

There is a lot of Aid that has arrived here in all the countries around Ukraine to help the refugees. So many from America, and Hungary and around the world have given so much to help.

With us living here we are able to do “targeting aid”. That is giving to people we have contact with to directly help them with their immediate needs, like food, and places to stay and so many of the basic needs they have.

Most are grandmothers and the elderly and mothers with children.

You may want to watch this short Video by clicking here or the image for an update on what we are doing.

There are over 2 million refugees already. Most have gone to Poland but hundreds of thousands of others have gone to Slovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria. But the second most have come here to Hungary with over 200,000.

As soon as they cross the border from Ukraine, Hungary provides free Humanitarian trains so they can come to Budapest.. The border towns are not equipped to handle the refugees.

Budapest is well equipped to help them and many of the refugees go on from Budapest to different places throughout Europe to stay with friends or family until they can return home to Ukraine. But many stay in Hungary.

This week I was at one of the train stations where the refugees arrive. I was there with one of my Hungarian Pastor friends to provide Aid.. Just seeing the faces of the mothers with their children with just a small suitcase with all their belongings, it breaks your heart.

We have been able to help coordinate the funding and distribution of Aid in Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria through some of the Pastor Friends we have in those countries. So many have given Aid from America to help these people. Thank you!

We don’t know what the future holds with the war or how long it will last. But one thing we know for sure is so many peoples lives are changed forever and are devastated.

We are glad we are here, to help some of them. What we are doing is small compared to so many other Aid Organizations. But to the people receiving it. it means so much.

Trusting God in Challenging Times,

Jim and Brenda