May 2021


Dear Special Friends,

We, like all people around the world, want the pandemic behind us.  But we continue to move forward in all that we feel God has called us to do here in Eastern Europe.

As I write this update to you we are in Croatia once again. Croatia is to the south of Hungary and we have been doing ministry in this country for the last 20 years, basing out of Budapest, Hungary.

Even yesterday we were at a church service here that was held outdoors in a Park near the Adriatic Sea.  The Pastors we know here are so committed to reaching their nation.

Some people don’t know that Croatia just became a country in 1991.  Before that it was part of the former Yugoslavia.

So we continue to go forward with the VISION we feel God has given us for the last 20 plus year. Reaching the nations of Eastern Europe with the Gospel.

This summer will be be taking a trip back to the USA.  Last summer because of the COVID situation we did not go back to the USA like we normally always did.

So we are so excited to see our kids and grandkids and families.  We have a new grandson that is over a year old that we have never seen.  Plus we will take a vacation out West.

We know that we have been missionaries for over 38 years now, because we get to take these short breaks from the mission field. We always come back refreshed and with excited new vision to go forward.

Even now we are planning with Pastors in Poland, Bulgaria and Albania to see churches started in September.

Thank you for doing all you do to help us. Please know it is NEVER taken for granted.

Jim and Brenda