May 23, 2024 Update


Hello Friends,

We were just talking this past week that last year was the perfect time in this season in our lives to relocate to America and to continue the ministry based out of here.

We are personally doing wonderful. Oh of course we have normal issues that most people have in daily life. But we are always reminded of how we are absolutely so so blessed in what we get to do, not only in ministry but with our family and in so many other ways. God has blessed us so amazingly and continues to do so.

One of our absolutely favorite songs for the last few years has been a song written and sung by Jenn Johnson called THE GOODNESS OF GOD.  Often we get chiles when we hear it or sing it in church. Click Here to View

It’s been a year and a half since we relocated back to America after living over 25 years in Eastern Europe. And we totally love living here seeing our families, kids and grandkids so much more.

This summer we will also be going to my (Jim) family reunion in Colorado. I am one of eight children and all of us eight “kids” plus my 94 year old Mom and three of our four children plus grandkids will all be there. We somehow manage to all get together every two years. It’s wonderful to reconnect with my brothers and sisters coming from Alaska, South Dakota, Oregon, California and of course Colorado.

Also this summer I (Jim) will once again be in Hungary and Albania. These times when I am back in this part of the world sometimes feels like going back “home”. Seeing pastors and other key Christian leaders we have worked with for over 20 years and continuing to work with them to help them reach their countries with the Gospel.

Making an impact on Poland

We have probably helped to start more churches in Poland than any other country in Eastern Europe.

We have done this through working with so many different key leaders and ministries in this large country of over 40 million people.

These photos here are of a church we helped to start last year and are of the Pastor and his wife and children’s church and the service. Notice the words of the worship song in Polish.  

So many key leaders with names like Zibi and Magda in Krakow, Poland. Whose church is now 15 years old and is full of university students and young families.

I think of leaders like Mariusz, who I met in about 2005 and through his ministry we helped start churches throughout all of southern Poland in cities and towns with few if any evangelical churches.

I could name others like Arek and Angelica with whom we have helped his ministry start over 10 churches in the last five years.

It’s through these leaders and Pastors that we can help them reach their country, Poland, with the Gospel.

Thank you for helping us do this. We continue to invest $4000 as seed funds in each of these new churches. They are making an impact on Poland.

We want to try to help start at least SEVEN churches like this each year. So many lives are changed through these local churches. We get to be a small part of each of them.

Thank You for all you do for us,

Brenda and Jim