Dear Special Friends,
Wow, just a few weeks are left in this, what has been another amazing year of minister here in Budapest and all of Eastern Europe. As we look back at these past few months even we never ceased to be amazed that all that has happened. In places like Sofia, Bulgaria, Tirana, Albania, Pozinak, Slovakia, and a dozen other cities and towns in our part of the world.
On November 8, we celebrated our 39th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. We took the day off and went to a town on the very western part of Hungary close to Austria called Sopran and totally enjoyed the day. We even found and AMERICAN TYPE BARBECUE restaurant in the town.
Look at us so many years ago in the photo with the horse from back in the 80’s when we were first married. What a ride our life has been. We look back on where God has taken us and we feel amazing blessed to do what we do.
We are even now looking to what God will do in 2020…We know it will be above and beyond what we can even think. And we get to be a part of it. So humbled we are.
THANKSGIVING – So even though they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in Hungary, WE WILL. Brenda
will go to the local butcher in our town and order a Turkey. They are always so will do to this for us.
I our stores we cannot get complete Turkeys like in America so we have to order them. She will put it in the over on Thursday morning and by noon our house will have the smell of our Thanksgivings that we both grew up with. We will celebrate with friends that will come over that day and will will play games and even watch the AMERICAN FOOTBALL games that come on live in the evening our time.
Then in December will be begin to prepare for our 23rd CHRISTMAS here in Budapest. Our daughter Audrianna, who lives in Florida will come to Budapest so it will be so nice.
Thank you for helping us do what we do. We well realize we could not do what we do without so many people helping us.
With THANKSGIVING in our Hearts.
Jim and Brenda