September 2019


September 2019

Dear Friends,

This month we are starting our 23rd year of serving in Budapest. It so amazes us when we look back to 1997 when we moved to Budapest.  We moved here with our four kids and two them were so small. (See photo).

Now so many years later we still feel like this is where we are supposed to be, reaching Eastern Europe.

Sometimes I wish you could be there with us as we travel from country to country in Eastern Europe visiting church after church and seeing the gratefulness of these pastors and many new Christians that are now Christians because of these new churches that we help to start.

I think of the young Moms that I met on one of my recent trips to Albania. When they heard from the leader, we work with there to help start churches, that we were the ones that gave the funds to help start the church that they were a part of they told me over and over (in Albanian) what their church has meant to them.

This same story could be told over and over again from people all over Eastern Europe. From young and old, from all nationalities and even from Gypsies. We have seen more than 25 Gypsy Churches started in the last 20 years. The Gypsy Churches are so challenging, yet it is so fulfilling to see these people years later worshiping, totally transformed.

So there are just FOUR months remaining in the year so we will see so much happening and we will be traveling so much. But we love it. We are always amazed that by living in Budapest we can be in so many countries in just a few hours. Rarely do we spend more than one night away from home when we minister over here. But often we are able to visit other countries and come home the SAME DAY. It’s so nice to be able to do so much in such a short time.

So even though we are starting our 23rd year here in Budapest, we are more excited than ever about what God is doing in this part of the world

Our plans this year are to see at least twelve churches started here in Eastern Europe. We have the finances for ELEVEN of them already at $4,000 each. This is so wonderful as churches have already been started in Albania, Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia.

Loving our Lives as Missionaries in Hungary,

Jim and Brenda