Hello Special Friends,
I am writing this update from Tirana, the capital of Albania. It’s amazing to see what God is doing in this predominantly Muslim country. Read more in the article below about Albania and the impact we are making here.
It always amazes us as I travel here in Albania and Hungary and all the countries of Eastern Europe how God has given us so many great Christian connections to further the kingdom of God in this part of the world.
This photo is from the Budapest Airport Airline Departures sign yesterday and shows many of the cities people are traveling to from Budapest. My flight is on the bottom, Tirana, the capital of Albania. It’s really easy to travel. Most places I drive or take a train, but some places are easier to fly to, like Albania and Bulgaria and Macedonia.
We are having an amazing summer. Getting some time to relax, see our kids and grandkids and so much of our family. It is so nice.
Later this month our 5th grand-baby will make her debut and of course we are excited about that too. Our youngest daughter Audrianna and her husband Barry are expecting their first baby.
So many years ago, in 1984, we went through the same thing with our first baby, Nathan. We still remember how big Brenda was and she couldn’t wait for the baby to be born. Now we are hearing the same from our daughter. Nice memories.
Also, please see the note below as we are relocating our ministry mailing address from Jacksonville to Port St Lucie, Florida. We have been working on this for many months and are now making the change of address. Read more below.
We are expecting great things these last few months of the year. We are not moved by the TV News or “Internet News.” We are well aware of the coming US election. We pray… and we know God has great things planned for America….
Starting September 1 we have a NEW MAILING ADDRESS.
We would ask you to send future offerings and correspondence to our ministry to this address.
CMI – Christian Missions International
PO Box 880363
Port St Lucie, FL 34988
Nothing will change with the ministry other than the mailing address. We will continue to:
If you have any questions just call us at 904-233-0346 or email us at jimpuhr@gmail.com
PS. Our current Jacksonville address will continue to be good for the rest of 2024. So anything sent to there will continue to be received by us. Thank you.
Thank you for helping us do all we do to reach people with the Gospel.
Jim and Brenda