Special Summer 2022 Update


Hello Friends,

We are so excited to be able to come to America again this summer. On June 22 we will fly to Florida and it will be wonderful  to see our kids and grandkids and so much of our family and friends.

These times are so special to us and we are sure it’s one of the reasons we are now missionaries for over 40 years, with 25 years here in Budapest.

We always make sure we take time to rest and relax and just enjoy America. We will see the beaches of Florida and mountains of Colorado and the hills of Nashville.

There will also be a time for Brenda’s family to Celebrate the Life of her Mom, who went to be with Jesus in April.

Then in early July we will be in Colorado with my family (Jim) and be part of our family reunion there. I (Jim), am one of 8 children and all of us will be together plus my Mom, who is 92.

Along the way we will also take a relaxing vacation just the two of us, and enjoy America. We are thinking of driving up the East Coast of Georgia and the Carolina’s with visits to Savanah and Charleston.

Then in Mid-August we will fly back to our home here in Hungary to start our 26th year serving in Eastern Europe.

In Awe of His Faithfulness,

Jim and Brenda