May 1, 2011
Dear Special Friends,
“The Power of Perseverance in Faith” is a title of a message I give often. I have given this message all over Eastern Europe, in churches large and small.
It’s one of my favorite messages to give as we have lived it all areas of our lives and ministry. It essentially speaks about trusting in God through all circumstances and challenges. Through family issues, health and financial issues and all the ministry challenges we have faced throughout the years.
Our society, whether in America or here in Eastern Europe is so fast paced it seems. Whether it’s going through the McDonald’s drive Thru (yes they have them here), or believing to get out of debt or looking for more ministry results. We want everything faster and faster. So much of this has transferred itself in to the church also. We want it right away or if we don’t see it right away we wonder if it is “God’s Will?
Whether I minister in a village in Slovakia, or a large church in Sofia, Bulgaria, people are facing the same issues and challenges. It’s wonderful to see the faith of the people build as the Word goes forth. Whenever we minister we always try to make a connection with the people by telling “our own real life stories” of challenges we have faced whether it’s in our own family or with finances or health issues. I always want them to see that we face some of the same challenges even as missionaries. It’s part of life.
We are now in our 29th year as serving as missionaries. We are always amazed at God’s timing and how faithful HE is in every situation. So many, many times we have seen tremendous answers to prayer in so many ways that have come after years of standing and persevering in faith.
When we first felt the Lord leading us to begin helping national leaders here in Eastern Europe we faced some tremendous financial challenges right away. Everything seemed to go wrong. But we knew what we felt God had put in our hearts. We could have quit right away and questioned whether we were on the right track. We stayed faithful and for the last 10 years we have seen over 160 churches started in this part of the world.
Perseverance. We don’t always like it. We want it right away. But perseverance brings great fruit. So many of our partners have stood with us for many, many years. Thank You!
SPECIAL FAMILY NEWS . . . We are so excited that our son Nathan is getting married today, on May 1. Nathan met a wonderful girl last year at his church in Orlando. Lori came to Budapest for Christmas and we love her. So we are here in Orlando for a week for the wedding. We are so happy for them.
In Awe of Gods Faithfulness,
Jim and Brenda
PS. We are so excited about the rest of the year here in Eastern Europe. It seems just about every month from now through December at least one new church will be started. You are a vital part of seeing this happen. Thank You.